Wednesday, January 11, 2012

An excelent tool to start working

I have never created a blog before. This is my first time and well I consider a very good resource or tool  to work with students specially if our purpose is keeping in touch with them to solve difficulties, answer their questions and maybe reinforce any topic they are having trouble with. I recognize that at the beginning I was very confused about creating my blog so I had to search some information about blogs on the internet and I found this from Pro blogger It helped me to understand a little bit what a blog is. I think this kind of tool is quiet important to know nowadays and also let know our students about it. It might be good for both teachers and students because this source give us the opportunity to post our ideas, thoughts, knowledge, experiences and share this with other people with different points of view.


  1. Hi Pagina principal,

    Let me the first person to comment on your blob! I had some difficulties too creating the blog but now am learning slowly.
    I have learnt to add members to my blog and to comment.Though, your page settings I think are in portugees.

  2. congratulations on your first blog :), looking forward to your entries.

  3. Hello
    Why in portugees? Well me too. I continue learning How to add pictures,How to comment other people and also How to invite friends to follow my flog. I image How great it could be to have some of my students being part of my blog.

  4. Great job Vilmita
    Congratulation for your first blog and i am glad to be one of your colleagues on webskills online course.
    Looking to exchange the knowledge and experience with you and others

    Best regards.

  5. Hello Vilmita,
    I congratulate you for creating your first blog. This is very good way for meeting new friends. I am looking forward to share new ideas with you.

    Everything the best.

  6. Hi Vilma. Nice first blog! I often find that students know more about tech than the teacher! I think a great way to motivate students to become engaged and autonomous learners is to let them lead the way with tech possibilities. Giving them the space to the "experts" can be an empowering experience.
    You can refer to the instruction sheet on creating a blog to get your entire blog in English. Great start!

    1. Hello Janine
      Thanks for your comment and sorry I didn't realize about it. I will immediately change my page setting. Referring to the topic. I agree with you that's true our students know more about tech than us. They have enough knowledge about how to create blogs , add images, music, videos and a lot of other things that make blogs to look more creative and dynamic . Today one student helped me to understand the HTLM codes and other tips they know well about blogs I could notice they enjoy a lot working on this and It could be a good and great idea to lead the English learning process through this tool.

  7. Hello ! Great for you. This course will really help us to become more skillfull on working with technology and meet mew people. I think this is great.
